From the 1st of May 2022 we will be introducing new volunteer digger discounts and offers, which aim to encourage and reward volunteers for attending our digs. It works like this:
Please take time to read the volunteering information below before signing up and then get digging to claim the generous discounts and offers that have been donated by the following awesome brands and businesses:
If your a brand or local business and would like to get involved, then please contact us.
The DTV Digger Card entitles the owner who is named on the card to discounts and offers for a 12 month period starting from the date on which the card was issued. All discounts and offers are provided at the discretion of the brands and businesses that provide them and can be withdrawn or changed at any time for whatever reason. Discount and offer details will be provided at the time when the DTV Digger Card is issued. The DTV reserves the right to withdraw these offers and cancel individual DTV Digger Cards if they appear to be being used inappropriately and/or the generosity of the brands and business involved is seen to be abused in any way. For more information please contact us at
To volunteer on a dig you must be over the age of 18. Anyone between 14 -17 wishing to join us on a dig will need to attend with a supervising adult who must be in attendance at all times.
It is important that you sign up for the dig that you wish to attend. This enables us to plan our digs and make sure that they are safe. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept anyone who just turns up on the day.
We meet at the DTV storage containers before a dig. They are located in the corner of the Pedalabikeaway seating area next to the Forestry England hut, just before you get to the road bridge.
If there are any issues on a dig that you would like to raise, please raise these with the Dig Lead. If you don't feel comfortable raising it with the Dig Lead, then please contact either the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of the Dean Trail Volunteers via email at
We run regular volunteer digs throughout the year. Pick your dig day and get involved!
Please make sure that you have read and understood the 'Dig Day Volunteering Information' section above before signing up.
Please note: The above 'Sign up to a dig' button will take you to, where you can view and sign up to upcoming DTV events.
Under 14’s can volunteer at litter picks with a supervising adult. However, they would be required with their supervising adult to attend a safety briefing where a dynamic risk assessment would be discussed.
See all of our volunteer litter pick events and sign up at eventbrite
Under 14’s can support our fund raising activities with a supervising adult. However, they would be required with their supervising adult to attend a safety briefing where a dynamic risk assessment would be discussed.
Contact us for more information
Building and maintaining challenging mountain bike trails costs a lot of money and we can only do what we do because of your support. All of our members are volunteers and we rely on public donations and fundraising to purchase equipment and materials.
It's easy to donate. You can use PayPal to send us some money or give us your old MTB parts and clothing for us to sell at one of our table sales. Take a look at the options below for more information.
No account required
Donate any amount that you like, from a pound to a million pounds, we are grateful for every penny received. It's even possible to setup a regular donation.
We welcome donations of quality MTB parts and clothing to sell on our table sales or on our ebay store.